Pray for the Persecuted

Man praying on the beach

“Against the persecution of a tyrant, the godly have no remedy but prayer.” John Calvin

Everywhere The Voice of the Martyrs Canada ministers, the first request of persecuted Christians is often: "Pray for us."

Join VOMC in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Here are some ways that you can keep your prayers informed:

  • Subscribe to our FREE monthly publication. Each issue highlights people, countries and persecutors who need your prayers.
  • Subscribe to our FREE weekly email prayer alert. Every week, the Persecution & Prayer Alert delivers specific prayer requests from restricted nations around the world directly to your inbox.
  • Visit our online catalogue for books, prayer maps, prayer guides and other valuable resources that you can use to help you pray.
  • Click on the "Global Persecution" tab at the top of the page to explore country reports that include specific prayers.
  • Teach your children to remember persecuted believers by downloading our free Table Talk resources.

Click here for a list of Scriptures to pray through on behalf of our persecuted family.

Click here to download a prayer map of the world (File size: 8 MB).

Click here for ten ways you can pray for those facing opposition for their faith.